Centre for Big Synergy (CBS) is a CSO of the United Nations Department for Social and Economic Affairs (UN DESA).

Diversity, skills and innovation fuel optimal synergy.
CBS partners with both individuals and organisations from across the world. The Centre for Big Synergy facilitates the synergy of expertise, experience, wisdom and resources of its collaborators to help create solutions for the biggest problems faced by us today, to avoid more in the future.

The Big Synergy Initiative
A United Nations Sustainable Development Goals commitment.

Inform. Inspire. Involve
Centre for Big Synergy is facilitating a multi-project global initiative, the ‘Big Synergy Initiative’ (BSI), that is enabling all global stakeholders meet the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.
LEARN MOREImpact so far
Countries REACHED
Featured projects
Amongst others, our partners are involved in the following projects as part of the Big Synergy Initiatiave.
Inclusion with love
Big-time Sustainability
Stop and C
Water Angels
Simpact 2030
Microplastic free 2030
Big Syn Film Festival
Syn Art 2030
Name twins 2030
Synergy of ideas and actions ensures exceptional results.

Learn more about exceptional individuals and inspiring projects – all powered by optimal synergy.
CELEBRATED SYNERGISTSEXEMPLARY INITIATIVESThe Big Synergy Initiative focuses on three primary areas comprised of all 17 UNSDGs
SDG#2. Zero Hunger;
SDG#3. Good Health and Well-being;
SDG#6. Clean Water and Sanitation;
SDG#11. Sustainable Cities and Communities.
SDG#1. No Poverty;
SDG#4. Quality Education;
SDG#5. Gender Equality;
SDG#8. Decent Work and Economic Growth;
SDG#10. Reduced Inequality;
SDG#16. Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions.
SDG#17. Partnerships for the goals.
SDG#7. Affordable and Clean Energy;
SDG#9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure;
SDG#13. Climate Action;
SDG#14. Life Below Water;
SDG#15. Life on Land;
SDG#12. Responsible Consumption and Production.
The UN 2030 Agenda needs ‘us’.
Despite the UN’s best efforts, the biggest stakeholder of the UN 2030 Agenda, i.e., ‘us’ or “we the peoples”, as is famously quoted in the opening words of the charter of United Nations, are largely unaware of this Agenda to say the least, let alone understand what we can do to make it possible.
It is therefore imperative that more of us are informed about the seventeen UN SDGs below, be inspired by the impact of UN SDG initiatives that have been successfully completed or are underway, and get actively involved in such initiatives to fulfil the UN 2030 Agenda.
Click on the picture below to find out why the UN 2030 Agenda is important for you and the future generations.
Click on the picture below to download a list of 170 actions for everyone that can further the Global Goals and also learn about the positive impact these actions may have on the wider world