‘Name twins 2030’ is aimed to inspire individuals to find their name twins from around the world primarily via networking sites, clubs, membership organisations, Universities and schools, and pass on the objective of the UN 2030 Agenda and its importance for all of us. There will be an annual hashtag count of Nametwins2030 to celebrate the names that have been the most influential.
UN SDG: 17
Status: Paused
How can you participate?
Join us to be a synergist and an Official Ambassador for Name twins 2030; spread the message around the world via your social and professional contacts, be a global influencer to create more changemakers, and be awarded and recognised for your contributions.
1. Spread the objective of the project via your social media accounts to your friends and followers.
2. Find your name twins and tell them why the UN 2030 Agenda is important for all of us and no matter where they are or what they do, it will have an impact on their lives for sure.
3. Start or contribute to local or global projects aimed at fulfilling the UN SDGs, contact and inspire your name twins to take up similar initiatives and create an army of change makers- an army of namesakes!
Find out more details about the project below.
Chancing upon a namesake is a coincidence and is also an interesting conversation instigator. CBS is harnessing this simple means of initiating communication amongst complete strangers who happen to be name twins or namesakes for a worthwhile cause- communicating about the UN 2030 Agenda, and inspiring each other to contribute towards actions aimed to make it a success. Hence, the project was named Nametwins 2030.
Any and every individual using social media platforms are being urged to find their name twins from around the world primarily via networking sites, clubs, membership organisations, Universities and schools and pass on the objectives of the 2030 UN Agenda and its importance for all of us. Additionally, individuals who are already participating in any local or global projects aimed at meeting the UN SDGs can inform and influence their name twins to contribute to those projects or others.
There is always a need for more people to be made aware of the UN 2030 Agenda and contribute towards it to make the agenda a success. The Name twins 2030 project intends to aid the fruition of the UN 2030 Agenda with more and more individuals across the globe being made aware of the agenda, understanding it’s importance, and taking active steps to make it a success.