Water Angels

Water Angels aims to reduce the per capita water consumption in the UK to 100 L/day from the current 141 L/day, to aid the UK government in meeting its target to be able to provide water for a growing population without taking additional water from the environment. The project is implemented with the help of civic society volunteers, water companies and professionals from the water industry. The project is overseen by the Centre for Big synergy.

UN SDG: 6 
Status: Ongoing

How can you participate?

Join us to be a synergist and an Official Ambassador for Water Angels; inform your own water company, and your regular plumber/s at work or home about the objectives of Water Angels, get involved with or manage country-wise operations for the project, be an influencer to create more changemakers, and be awarded and recognised for your contributions.

1. If you can refer a friend or colleague or a plumbing company who you think can be a Water Angel partner, please forward their details to us or ask them to contact us.

2. As a member of public, you can be a peer influencer for Water Angel by influencing your peers. You can visit waterwise for a wealth of information about how to change some of our largely conventional habits in order to save water.

Find out more details about the project below.